Über V11

Founder and operator of Volume11 is Nils Burchartz – who, being a drummer himself, was all too often looking for a space to practice. After having to make do with unheated and burglar-prone industrial barracks for way too long, he decided to take matters into his own hands and create a real alternative.

In 2011, he took over the first premises in the former “Kraftpostbetriebswerk Dresden” and, with the help of friends and co-workers, converted them into rehearsal rooms that are worth their names. In addition to equipment that allows for musical creativity, the main goal was to create a place where one actually feels welcome as a musician and is not just tolerated as a temporary user.

Today, with a total size of more than 700m², V11 is home to musicians from Dresden and all over the world. Contemporary tools such as the online booking calendar and an electronic access system ensure smooth use by a variety of players. The self-developed concept of hourly bookable rooms reduces the need for space and thus makes a significant contribution to solving the rehearsal space shortage in the city.

Besides Volume11, Nils dedicates himself to his own musical projects. Artistically, he is particularly fascinated by the implementation of handmade music with electronic sound aesthetics. Nils is also one of the founders and board member of Wir gestalten Dresden, the local association for the cultural and creative industries, as well as an award winner in the federal program Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland.